In our Help Center you will find detailed documentation on the individual functions and processes of chargecloud, an overview of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and general information on e-mobility. Our knowledge base helps you to quickly and easily find solutions to questions and problems. Simply enter your search term in the search bar on the Help Center homepage:
You will also find another search bar on the individual article pages:
However, we recommend using the search bar on the Help Center homepage described above, as you will get more comprehensive search results here.
You can check the current uptime status of our systems (app, live system and demo system) on this page.
In order to be able to use the full scope of the Help Center as a chargecloud customer, you must register once with your business e-mail address and select a password.
To be able to use the full content of the Help Center as a chargecloud customer, you must register once with your work e-mail address and select a password.
After confirming your e-mail address and logging in, all documentation areas will be available to you.
To make it easier for you to access the Help Center when using chargecloud, you will find the two links at the bottom of the start menu in chargecloud:
You will also find the link to the Help Center at the bottom right of the login screen for chargecloud:
Ticket system
The Help Center not only serves as a knowledge base, but also as a ticket system for inquiries. Simply click on "Submit request" at the top right of the Help Center homepage:
Suitable Help Center articles are suggested directly in the ticket window, which may already answer your query. The Help Center is continuously expanded and updated - also based on your requests.
When you open a ticket, all employees in the support department are informed about your request. This means that your inquiries can be distributed to the right employees.
You can get an overview of the current status of your tickets here.
We can enable individual employees of your company to view all of your company's tickets.
Please note that this means that colleagues can also view your tickets. Simply let us know if you would like this to be set up.
Support hotline
The Help Center and the ticket system are available to you for free.
In addition, chargecloud GmbH provides telephone support during service hours between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm.
Notifications by e-mail
If you would like to be informed about the latest chargecloud news, please click on this link. On the following page, as a registered client, you can subscribe to our release notes, newsletters and general information by e-mail.